2009年6月13日 星期六


Light was fairly stunned by the dramatic news of his father. He had thought it was the stressful job that made a difference in his father who became withdrawn and distant. However, the clash in his family is a canary in a coal mine

Light missed pass pristine atmosphere in his family, he decided to plug himself away at fixing this rift. However, he didn't know this action jeopardize himself in death. He didn't assess likelihood danger and just tackle it.

Without companionship, Light’s desire to unlock the secret was still thriving and the exquisite action is underway because he wanted to preserve his own family.

Light knew if he wanted to prevent his family from extinct like those endangered animals, he needed an amplification of his power. Thus, before going to the stronghold of the criminals, he tried to find out a mélange of people who are in abundance of influence, and made a treaty with them first......

2009年6月8日 星期一


“Let me open a window to the regime of the accident in your house” said Andrew. “As you know, your father was an amenity. He pulled off many momentous reports which change the country. But at the same time, his gluttonous attitude for fame tore him apart and made him monstrous.

His contribution blew everybody’s mind and brought him opulence in great number. Although everyone in awe of him, his wealth still turned some criminals’ heads. To avoid to creating a stir, your father became suspicious and ailing and loved to transvest (變裝). Unfortunately, his heart polished him off and he became addicted to it…

Light's father thought that the rudimentary happiness that came straight out of putting on great shows and rumble noises shouted by the crowd in the gay bar was what really counts, and he enjoyed very much in the fruition of finding a cure-all that assist him to escape from the business after the lift off of his career

2009年5月30日 星期六


In the meantime the real criminal was hidden in a small house off the beaten path. Away
from the achiness caused by the fire, he was very nervous of being denounced by Light.

Questioning by Light, Andrew said:" Don't dig in too much. I can only impart one hidden gem
on you to tackle this mystery. The real criminal is quarantined in somewhere right now!"

When Light thought that he picked up an important clue, suddenly someone knocked him down.
After awaking from a faint, he found he was on a bustling street with neon lights and
signs. Instead of socialites, he was surrounded by a curious crowd. Although he still felt
painful in his head, a person beside the street enthralled him.
The man was stucked in the mud, so Light scooped the man up from the mud. Guess waht? The man was Andrew! Light aked why he followed behind him. Andrew said:As a apaparazzo, there is a pears of wisdom that I have to obey:kill two birds with one stone. Tell you the possible cules and you would find an amazing story for me. however, I break another dos and don'ts of apaparazzo, I was caught by you. Let's leave here. We can hire a car by the hour and get to a saver place. I would tell you more.'

2009年5月28日 星期四

check out the check-in

word and pharses:

  1. passanger 乘客
  2. airline counter clerk 航空公司櫃檯人員
  3. carry-on 隨身行李
  4. luggage cart/trolley 行李推車
  5. ID scanner 證件掃描器
  6. scale磅秤
  7. go for sth. 同意(某事)
  8. vibrate 震動
  9. vacancy 空位 空房
  10. handler 處理者 操作者
  11. checkpoint 檢查站
  12. concourse (車站 機場)中央大廳
  13. cross that bridge when sb. get(s) to it 船到橋頭自然直
  14. cockpit 駕駛艙
  15. galley 空中廚房
  16. lavatory洗手間
  17. restriction 限制
  18. surcharge 額外費用
  19. excess 過量的
  20. cut it close (時間)抓得很緊


Part I

A: good afternoon, sir . place your bag on the scale, pls


A:Do you prefere a window or an aisle sear?

B:Aisle, pls. Do you have anything forward of the wing?

A:Business Class is forward of the wing,sir. If you'd like to upgrade, I can take care of that for you now.

B:No, the company wouldn't go for that. Do you have something near the wing? I find it's the most stable area, less vibrating.

A:Directly behind Business Class is over the wing. There are vacancies there.

B:Nothing else?

A:Aft of the wing is Economy Class Plus. That's a minor upgrade. Would your compnay approve of that?

B:I'll cross that bridge when I get to ut.

A:You're in aisle 40, seat C, boarding at Gate 4B

B:Form Tokyo, I'm going on to San Francisco.

A: Yes, sir?

B:Will my bags be transferred or do I have to check them again?

A:Our baggage handlers will transfer your luggage. You'll only need to pass through Narita Airport's security checkpoint.

B:Okay, good. Now,how do I get to............Gate 4B?

A:Take the escalator to the second floor. Follow the signs in Concourse B to your gate. Have a pleasant flight.

Part II

A: Good afternoon, Ms Honeycut. Are you checking a bag today?


A: I'm sorry. Ms Honeycut, but your bag is ten kilos overweight.

B:Overweight? How can that be? I was so careful!

A:The weight restriction is twenty kilos per bag. Your bag is thirty kilos.

B:What can I do?

A:I'm afraid there's a surcharge for the excess weight. That will be fifty U.S. dollars.

B:Fifty dollars?!

A:Do you have a carry-on?


A:You could transfer some of the heavy items from your suitcase into your carry-on. Carry-on bags have no weight restrictions. Why don't you take your bag right over there abd make the transfer? Next in line.pls.

C:We've got to hurry. I'm late for my flight.

A:You're cutting it close. Mr.C. But your e-ticket means you've got your seat assignment and boarding pass.Do you have any bags to check ?

C:No, I've only this carry-on/

A:Then you can go directly to Gate 6A. You don't even need to stop here.


2009年5月18日 星期一


When Light was a child, his family were already household. As a glamorous analyst in the stock market, Light's father had lots of momentous contributions not only in his business but in the whole country. He even was considered to be nominated as a chancellor. Besides, Light had a wholesome and sweet family. You would never hear any revilement or loud shout in his house. His family became a synonym for perfection and richness.

Somehow, the biggest slump came. Light's father, Frank, was laid off and Light’s mother was shacked up and became ill. This was a double-blow to Frank. Light’s family was threatened with invasion of Frank’s crippled mind. The natural survivability made Frank having dual personality. Sadly, Light didn’t know Frank wasn’t his revere father anymore.

One day there was a fire in Lights home, in the event of the blaze, the ample house was burned into ash. Light saw a young girly revved up away from their house, there must be someone who orchestrated this accident, the only clue she left is a small torch…

2009年5月8日 星期五


Light’s success brought plight to Jason. He felt quite unrest. Because Jason had abusive relationship with others before, it seemed everyone want to see him lose ground in the company. This negative thought haunting in his head was like a catastrophe. Subsequently, Jason decided to find out how to get around this unfavorable situation.

To the best of his knowledge, Jason knew most part of Light’s advocates who were always opposed to his policies in the company. Because their business was all interrelated, Jason would like to create a big glitch between them and make them all out of the company. He assigned Light to make a report about his friend’s company which looked legitimate but did lots of dirty works virtually.

To complete a gripping report, Light went to target company‘s warehouse to find out something bringing this truth to the forefront. He glimpsed three men sneaking out the warehouse. He followed them to figure out what happened. He went along a secret route and got to a chemical factory, he witnessed a drug deal! At the same time, he took some photos and retreated there carefully. He thought it would be a great story report, however, he didn’t know this exciting story portend his miserable future.

In Light’s office, he was picking up path writing reports with great inspiration that is a legacy from his talented father, who was a retired researcher. Suddenly Light found his father’s face in a photo he took in the warehouse, therefore he was so surprised than he did not know whether to draw a line on this event. In the long run, the more he involved in, the more unexpected would happen. With the emission of his smoke, Light’s confusion rose at a tipping point, and he started turning time back to childhood in mind, trying to find some clues in memory….

2009年5月5日 星期二


From my firend's suggestion~

Dear All






   2.看英文節目.像 Discovery 美式機車啦.工程大建築.(一開始會偷看中文字幕)看完休閒了也聽了點英文.(觀1.觀3)
   4.上下班通勤時聽BBC.通勤是很無聊的.老看妹也不是辦法.因英國英文母音重.前一陣起就改聽BBC.我用iPod是因為其軟體iTune可以每日免費替換最新的新聞(podcast).IMC Peter的澳洲腔就母音重一點(觀1.觀4)

英文對我們來說.我們也是“外國人“ 有說錯及帶有口音的特權啦.如果不大膽放聲唸出來.這一步跨不出去英文永遠只要學校考試的一個科目.不會變成自身一種溝通能力一種職場專業(觀2)

好.那練習? 再強調提供我的和別人的給大家參考.大家可以針對自己的情況去設計課程.大聲唸出來是很重要的~
1.發聲唸出文章.或是影集對話. 出聲唸的目前是要熟悉句子音調起伏.
2 . 不要用電子發音辭典.我還沒碰過有一台發音是100%正確(又貴)
3. www.m-w.com可以免費查單字加發音.例如考一下各位 Council and counsel 的差異 (解答最後一行).另準備一本英英/英漢字典(如牛津).翻單字時要也要看英英解釋.唸例句.不是看中文完就結束.一旦你的字彙增加到一定程度.這一基本功就很重要.
4. 參加免費的團體練習.例如toastmaster 或是教會的免費課程.留意一下就有很多免費課程.(但我是喜歡和外國人練習啦.以前參加 toastmaster聽台式英文就覺得很痛苦.還有會退步.會員水準一致很重要.)

1. 讀一定要挑自己有興趣的文章(觀4).挑自己看完最少有60%理解的最好.太難會有挫折感.太淺是適合唸出來.我很喜歡看經濟學人的財經文章.有深度又可以學單字.空中英語教室系列一直是我大力推薦的.
2. 不用每次看到不懂的單字就停下來.先看完一段.理解多少才是重點.有些看完一段大約可以猜出這單字的意義.查一個句子中最重要那個關鍵字就好.人一天能記的單字有限.像海棉一樣一面吸收也會一面滴啦~所以不用太在乎單字一直記不住.常用的單字閱讀過程中會一直出現.這些也是最生活化也是你要先知道的單字.(觀3)(以前鼓勵背字典的老師真是誤導)
3. 如果真的要強記單字.我是有一招畫樹狀圖..一篇文章內把相關連聯的字畫出來.例如有一篇文章是講次級房貸.以房貸為中心.四周發展出Fed、債券市場一直到巴菲特.加入這些關連性.記單字其實很好玩的(觀4)

1. 寫的方式以前學校是要求寫日記.老師也不會去更改更正.我個人是不喜歡寫日記.上學時有一陣子常上網路和英文母語的人聊天.
2. 現在看到好句子(其實是簡單偏口語)我會記下來寫看看.
3. 我有朋友是參加國際筆友.




發音解答: Council 發count.cil (count數); Counsel 開頭唸”Ka” 試試 www.m-w.com 喔~


哈 這也是個叫賴冠宇分享的呢~(不過他是在台証的)

2009年4月27日 星期一


Light's boss, Jason, was a man who enjoys pushing the boundaries. He spent the better part of his time vying with others. In order to clinch the best outcome, he asked so scathing a standard that rubbed his teammates and subordinates the wrong way.

One day, Jason handed out missions to the teammates. He asked them to unfold some secrete scandals between big conglomerates and governments. “Don’t be afraid to act like paparazzi. Just think how the fallout would shock our industry!” he said. Although some in his team were angry about Jason's overstepping this time, they still followed what he commissioned.

As a nameless analyst, Light would like to earn the dignity and get a higher slot in his company. He short-listed some notorious enterprises and would try to find some provocative and penetrating facts. Because believing a picture is worth a thousand words, he also bought an expensive camera with a long distance lens.

Light did salient report, and had shot a great photo. The photo showed two sovereigns made a dirty under table deals. It just like was tailored for this report, it made this truth so obviously. He used this photo to cast sovereign fund in new light. He pointed put that sovereign fund was a malignant tumor dragged down the health of world economic. This report let him win wild card to beat in a news campaign. People thought he won this prize easily but, somehow, he faced his fair share of challenges and query.


Johny, Light's little brother, is a famous movie star. Johny has played many roles, like a retarded lefty, a bright scientist who prevent the colliosion of two satellites and so on. He is a man of mystery and beauty; it seems that his success surprises no one. Actually, he worked his way up from a script clerk and he got flack all the time.

Johnny was always interested in everything about movie and had spent much time probing details. He understood well how elaborate a great movie should be. One day Johnny's hard working made him a chance given by the director at the helm to try acting in a play, while everything was under control, his premiere was so impressive that raised his fame promptly. However, another day he suffered a bash when he got an emergency phone call form his brother, Light......

After Light recapped that he was in a shootout, Johnny curled his toes. Although Light had been hard to him, they are still brothers of the same blood! When Johnny rushed to where he was told, he saw nobody but a shambles. The walls aside were smudged by some kind of red, and the handrails were contorted because of strong impacts. As Johnny wondering what happened here, Light showed up!

“I killed each of them,” Light was frightened and said “I have to get away from Taiwan.” Light put pen to paper and recorded the detail how these things happened. “Make a film about what I wrote and let everyone cannot smear it even in their posthumous memory,” he came to terms with Johnny “and that’s about it.” Light ran away and left Johnny astonished there. In two years, a premiere was held of a movie, which described an overrepresented security analyst killed all the killers appointed by other security companies and became Godfather in south-east Asia. In a short time, it became not only a blockbuster but also a classic in the history of movies.

2009年4月22日 星期三


Light was consumed with guilt and his trauma of heart made him work harder and harder. Even though, he could not proceed smoothly. His reports had no resonance in the industry. Finally, he decided to give everything up and came to the oldest oriental country - India - to recreate himself.

He visited an old man, light was eager to back to his normal life again. Sophisticated mentor told him: “Just walk in the street, feel what you see and you will find your Muses back” Although Light though it will be of any use to him, he still did it. Old man marshaled Light go to the East.

Magic India travel began! This travel, per se, was a heart-searching path for him. There would be lots of unknown things waiting for him to explore.

On his way to the east side, he met a military drill. This was the first time he experienced the military drill for real, since he came from a peaceful country.

Unfortunately, the military drill was not what he thought. As a foreigner, Light did not read off the same sheet of music with native residents, who experienced wars in life and knew well that the drill brought real mayhem. While bio weapons were being used, inhalation of infectious poison gas made Light feel faint as if his head weighed in at a hundred kgs, so he went to a hospital nearby...

Getting such serious disease is not the norm for Light. Though never seeking for immortality, he was very healthy before, even not have a cavity. In the hospital, doctors made Light snug in bed, and started a full medical examination. They asked him blow up a balloon to see whether he could breathe well. During a series of therapy, Light didn’t forget his goal of this trip, to find his Muses back! He observed the hospital, and found out they use an efficient way to deliver medicine through the chutes. Finally, he recovered and wrote down what he had seen in India as a report. This report was successful and made Light one of the best analyst of medical industry ever!


As a professional researcher, it’s nothing difficult for Light to knock out an analysis report in couple minutes.

One day, one of his colleagues threw down to him and said: “Let’s see who can write the report which satisfies our boss the most!”

Light decided to finish his report from scratch. He visited every company all over Taiwan behind the wheel.

He analyzed which factors made these successful CEOs went from rags to riches and headlined the article” Money Doesn't Grow on Trees! -The lessons from top 10 CEOs”

Light therefore submitted his final report to the boss at the end of the day, however, his boss just took a glance and throw it in Light's face and said he needed an analysis report, not a CEOs story. "Stop wheeling and dealing, if you want to stay here! "